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Buku Data Analysis & Bussiness Modelling - Microsoft Office Excel 2007

Data Analysis & Bussiness Modelling - Microsoft Office Excel 2007 (Wayne L. Winston)
Pernah denger buku ini nggak ?
Buku terbitan Microsoft Press yang tebelnya minta ampun (601 halaman)
Isinya memang fokus di analisa data dan model bisnis , menggunakanExcel 2007
Sampel juga disediakan di buku ini, hanya saja harus diinstall . E-booknya juga disediakan pada CD di bukunya..
Buat yang mau beli , silahkan lihat dulu table of contents, biar nggak salah comot buku, apalagi buku ini tergolong mahal..Cek aja di Amazon ..hehe ..

(Sorry kalau format TOC nya agak berantakan, nggak sempet benerin )

1 Range Names
2 Lookup Functions
3 The INDEX Function
4 The MATCH Function
5 Text Functions
6 Dates and Date Functions
7 Evaluating Investments by Using Net Present Value Criteria
8 Internal Rate of Return
9 More Excel Financial Functions
10 Circular References
11 IF Statements
12 Time and Time Functions
13 The Paste Special Command
14 The Auditing Tool
15 Sensitivity Analysis with Data Tables
16 The Goal Seek Command
17 Using the Scenario Manager for Sensitivity Analysis
20 The OFFSET Function
21 The INDIRECT Function
22 Conditional Formatting
23 Sorting in Excel
24 Tables
25 Spin Buttons, Scroll Bars, Option Buttons, Check Boxes, Combo Boxes, and Group List Boxes .
26 An Introduction to Optimization with Excel Solver
27 Using Solver to Determine the Optimal Product Mix
28 Using Solver to Schedule Your Workforce
29 Using Solver to Solve Transportation or Distribution Problems
30 Using Solver for Capital Budgeting
31 Using Solver for Financial Planning
32 Using Solver to Rate Sports Teams
33 Importing Data from a Text File or Document
34 Importing Data from the Internet
35 Validating Data
36 Summarizing Data by Using Histograms
37 Summarizing Data by Using Descriptive Statistics
38 Using PivotTables to Describe Data
39 Summarizing Data with Database Statistical Functions
40 Filtering Data and Removing Duplicates
41 Consolidating Data
42 Creating Subtotals
43 Estimating Straight Line Relationships
44 Modeling Exponential Growth
45 The Power Curve
46 Using Correlations to Summarize Relationships
47 Introduction to Multiple Regression
48 Incorporating Qualitative Factors into Multiple Regression
49 Modeling Nonlinearities and Interactions
50 Analysis of Variance: One-Way ANOVA
51 Randomized Blocks and Two-Way ANOVA
52 Using Moving Averages to Understand Time Series
53 Winter’s Method
54 Forecasting in the Presence of Special Events
55 An Introduction to Random Variables .
56The Binomial, Hypergeometric, and Negative Binomial Random Variables
57 The Poisson and Exponential Random Variable
58 The Normal Random Variable
59 Weibull and Beta Distributions: Modeling Machine Life and Duration of a Project
60 Introduction to Monte Carlo Simulation
61 Calculating an Optimal Bid
62 Simulating Stock Prices and Asset Allocation Modeling
63 Fun and Games: Simulating Gambling and Sporting Event Probabilities
64 Using Resampling to Analyze Data
65 Pricing Stock Options
66 Determining Customer Value
67 The Economic Order Quantity Inventory Model
68 Inventory Modeling with Uncertain Demand
69 Queuing Theory: The Mathematics of Waiting in Line
70 Estimating a Demand Curve
71 Pricing Products by Using Tie-Ins
72 Pricing Products by Using Subjectively Determined Demand
73 Nonlinear Pricing
74 Array Formulas and Functions

E-book nya lumayan , isinya sama dengan bukunya..tapi file nya agak gede (14 Mb.)
Yang mau e-booknya silahkan email ke atau kasi comment di blog ini ..

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